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Why Choose the Cambridge Curriculum for Your Child’s Education?

In today’s world, choosing the right education system is key to shaping a child’s future. Many parents are drawn to the Cambridge curriculum for its global outlook, academic rigor, and personalized learning experience. This internationally recognized program, available in over 10,000 schools across 160 countries, provides students with the tools they need to thrive both […]

Key Features of the Cambridge Early Years Curriculum : What Parents Need to Know

Cambridge Early Years. Curriculum, Books Programme Jean Piaget described children as “little scientists” who actively learn by observing and interacting with the world around them. The Cambridge Early Years Curriculum at Fravashi International Academy is an integral part of the Cambridge Pathway, where the education focuses on holistic development.As an elementary step towards an exciting […]


A Key To Critcal Thinking And Problem Solving To Real Life Situations– Igcse The Practical Approach Back in those days ‘Intellectual Inquiry’ was probably unheard of. It is amazing to watch an ‘EY1’ student at Fravashi International Academy asking ‘Why, Why, Why and How’ questions anytime and every time, not only just at school but […]

Excellence in Education: Fravashi International Academy’s Cambridge Curriculum Journey

In the 21st century, critical thinking has emerged as a crucial skill for students, equipping them to navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic world. The Cambridge Curriculum, renowned for its rigorous academic standards and comprehensive approach, plays a pivotal role in developing these essential skills. This article delves into the various facets of the Cambridge […]