Gangapur - Dugaon Road, Dugaon Village, Nashik - 422203         +919673999098

If you wish to know the meaning of the word ‘Family’ then google it, but if you want to know what its like to be a part of one then take a look at our, Fravashi International Academy; I take this name with great pride and reminisce whenever I am asked which school I have studied in.

While having spent most of my years growing up at FIA, the school has played a prominent role when it comes to developing my intellectual vitality, personality and leadership skills as well as the values and morals inculcated in me. Today I have the ability to address an audience of hundreds and lead my own company at the age of 20 without fear or hesitation all because FIA recognised my strengths and converted them into opportunities for myself. Every child is unique and I’m grateful that FIA recognises the importance of this individuality and made me the confident leader I am today.
